Scout Blog: Building Bat Houses

Building bat houses at the Garrett’s was a really great experience for us. We learned how to use many different types of machinery, why we use certain types of wood, why we used the materials we did, and how to build a bat house. We also learned quite a bit about bats in the process of building. It was great to see the scouts so intrigued to learn about new things. Everyone came into the project with open minds and great attitudes. It was fun to see the scouts work. They asked lots of questions, and asked for help and advice but they also made mistakes too. Mistakes are important, you can learn a lot from making your own mistakes because you have to figure out what you did wrong and how you should fix it. It was great to see the scouts try something new. They completed the woodworking merit badge while also getting service hours. It was a very productive and fun day and now a few more bats have homes. 

Grace, Life Scout

June 2023

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